Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Character of our Communities
The Live Oak Society
The character of Thomas County is so much more than just our buildings. Trees and landscape features provide a vital context for our historic structures and contribute to our unique sense of place.
Live Oak Society began in 1987 as a tree planting program and has since become an important advocate for the natural features that compliment the built environment.
In 2013, The Live Oak Society sponsored an arborist to conduct an in-town tree inventory. The study rendered valuable information on a variety of tree issues, and developed treatments and remedies, and estimated cost factors, and development of a plan for new plantings including species and an estimated budget. The completed inventory also provided information used to develop an on-going system of best practices for maintaining the City’s tree population and the planting of new trees.
Looking for a unique way to celebrate a special person or occasion?
Give the gift of trees!
Contributions to the Live Oak Society are tax-deductible, and your honoree will receive a commemorative certificate notifying them of your gift and individual tree number. Please call 229-226-6016 for details.